I have published 51 peer review manuscripts in top journals such as Science, Nature Immunology, PLOS Pathogens, Journal of Virology.
All publications can be found here on Pubmed.
Influenza Imprinting in Childhood and the Influence on Vaccine Response Later in Life
Kelvin AA*, Zambon M
2019 Nov; pii=1900720
* Conceived and wrote the manuscript in collaboration with Dr. Maria Zambon from Public Health England.
American Journal of Pathology
Age-Related Pathology Associated With H1N1 A/California/07/2009 Influenza Virus Infection
Bissel SJ, Carter CE, Wang G, Johnson SK, Lashua LP, Kelvin AA*, Wiley CA, Ghedin E, Ross TM
2019 Dec; 189 (12), 2389-2399
* Contributed to study design, results, analysis, and manuscript writing. This manuscript is the product of a collaborative multi-center UO1 grant under the direction of Dr. Elodie Ghedin.
Historical H1N1 Influenza Virus Imprinting Increases Vaccine Protection by Influencing the Activity and Sustained Production of Antibodies Elicited at Vaccination in Ferrets
Francis ME, McNeil M, Dawe NJ, Foley MK, King ML, Ross TM, Kelvin AA
2019 Sept; 7(4): 133
* Conceived and designed the study, secured funding, directed experiments, and wrote the manuscript.
Back to the Future for Influenza Preimmunity-Looking Back at Influenza Virus History to Infer the Outcome of Future Infections
Francis ME, King ML, Kelvin AA*
2019 Jan; 11(2): 122
* Conceived the manuscript, wrote the main sections, and directed manuscript writing from the students.
Journal of Infection in Developing Countries
ZIKATracker: A mobile App for reporting cases of ZIKV worldwide
Kelvin AA*, Banner D, Pamplona L, Alencar C, Rubino S, Heukelbach J.
2016 Feb; 10(2):113-5
* Wrote this manuscript and designed and executed the app that is described in the text in collaboration with development from mWater.
Journal of Infection in Developing Countries
Zika virus outbreak in Brazil
Heukelbach J, Alencar CH, Kelvin AA*, De Oliveira WK, Pamplona de Goes CL.
2016; 10(2):116-20
* Wrote the Zika history and host responses sections.
New England Journal of MedicinE
Probable Hospital Cluster of H7N9 Influenza Infection
Farooqui A, Liu W, Kelvin DJ, Zeng T, Liu Y, Zhang L, Khan A, Wu X, Wu R, Wu S, Huang L, Cai Y, Kelvin AA*, Paquette SG, Hu K, Zheng N, Chen H, Xu S, Lin C, Sun P, Yao Z, Wang J, Ma H, Zhu Z, Lin P, Chen W, Fang X, Bermejo-Martin JF, Leon AJ.
2016 Feb 11; 374(6):596-8
* Participated in study design and data analysis.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapeutics
Assessment of antiviral properties of Peramivir against H7N9 avian influenza virus in an experimental mouse model
Farooqui A, Huang L, Wu S, Cai Y, Su M, Lin P, Chen W, Fang X, Zhang L, Liu Y, Zheng T, Paquette SG, Khan A, Kelvin AA* and Kelvin DJ.
2015 Dec; 59(12):7255-64
* Participated in study design and data analysis.
PLoS Pathogens
Influenza Transmission in the Mother-Infant Dyad Leads to Severe Disease, Mammary Gland Infection, and Pathogenesis by Regulating Host Responses
Paquette SG, Banner D, Huang SS, Almansa R, Leon A, Xu L, Bartoszko J, Kelvin DJ, and Kelvin AA*
2015 Oct; 11(10):e1005173
* Designed the study and experiments. Analyzed the data. Supervised study progress. Wrote the manuscript.
Journal of General Virology
Pathogenic influenza B virus in the ferret model establishes lower respiratory tract infection
Huang SS, Banner D, Paquette SG, Leon AJ, Kelvin AA*, and Kelvin DJ
2014 Oct; 95(Pt 10):2127-39. PMCID:PMC4165929
* Designed the study and experiments. Co-analyzed data and co-wrote the manuscript.
Lack of group X secreted phospholipase A(2) increases survival following pandemic H1N1 influenza infection
Kelvin AA*, Degousee N, Banner D, Stefanski E, Leomicronn AJ, Angoulvant D, Paquette SG, Huang SS, Danesh A, Robbins CS, Noyan H, Husain M, Lambeau G, Gelb M, Kelvin DJ, and Rubin BB
2014 Apr; 454-455:78-92. PMCID:PMC4106042
* Designed some experiments. Analyzed the data. Wrote the manuscript.
Journal of Infection in Developing Countries
Next-generation sequencing and bioinformatic approaches to detect and analyze influenza virus in ferrets
Lin Z, Farooqui A, Li G, Wong GK, Mason AL, Banner D, Kelvin AA*, Kelvin DJ, and Leon AJ
2014; 8(4):498-509
* Participated in data analysis and study design.
Pandemic H1N1 influenza A directly induces a robust and acute inflammatory gene signature in primary human bronchial epithelial cells downstream of membrane fusion
Paquette SG, Banner D, Chi le TB, Leomicronn AJ, Xu L, Ran L, Huang SS, Farooqui A, Kelvin DJ, and Kelvin AA*
2014 Jan 5; 448:91-103
* Designed the project and experiments. Supervised study progress. Co-analyzed the data and co-wrote the manuscript.
Impaired heterologous immunity in aged ferrets during sequential influenza A H1N1 infection
Paquette SG, Huang SS, Banner D, Xu L, Leon A, Kelvin AA*, and Kelvin DJ
2014 Sep; 464-465:177-83. PMCID:PMC4157083
* Co-designed the project and experiments. Supervised study progress. Co-analyzed the data and co-wrote the manuscript.
Journal of Infection in Developing Countries
CXCL14 deficiency does not impact the outcome of influenza or Escherichia coli infections in mice
Sidahmed AM, Leon AJ, Banner D, Kelvin AA*, Rowe T, Boudakov I, Degousse N, Rubin BB, and Kelvin DJ
2014 Oct; 8(10):1301-6
* Co-analyzed the data and co-wrote the manuscript.
Scientific Reports
Immunity toward H1N1 influenza hemagglutinin of historical and contemporary strains suggests protection and vaccine failure
Huang SS, Lin Z, Banner D, Leon AJ, Paquette SG, Rubin B, Rubino S, Guan Y, Kelvin DJ, and Kelvin AA*
2013; 3:1698. PMCID:PMC3633051
* Designed the project and experiments. Supervised study progress. Co-analyzed the data. Wrote the manuscript
Journal of Virology
Sequencing, annotation, and characterization of the influenza ferret infectome
Leon AJ, Banner D, Xu L, Ran L, Peng Z, Yi K, Chen C, Xu F, Huang J, Zhao Z, Lin Z, Huang SH, Fang Y, Kelvin AA*, Ross TM, Farooqui A, and Kelvin DJ
2013 Feb; 87(4):1957-66. PMCID:PMC3571481
* Co-designed the experiments. Participated in data analysis.
Infectivity, transmission, and pathology of human-isolated H7N9 influenza virus in ferrets and pigs
Zhu H, Wang D, Kelvin DJ, Li L, Zheng Z, Yoon SW, Wong SS, Farooqui A, Wang J, Banner D, Chen R, Zheng R, Zhou J, Zhang Y, Hong W, Dong W, Cai Q, Roehrl MH, Huang SS, Kelvin AA*, Yao T, Zhou B, Chen X, Leung GM, Poon LL, Webster RG, Webby RJ, Peiris JS, Guan Y, and Shu Y
2013 Jul 12; 341(6142):183-6
* Co-analyzed the data.
Journal of Infection in Developing Countries
The current state of H5N1 vaccines and the use of the ferret model for influenza therapeutic and prophylactic development
Banner D and Kelvin AA*
2012 Jun; 6(6):465-9
* Designed the manuscript. Co-wrote the manuscript.
PLoS One
Lack of innate interferon responses during SARS coronavirus infection in a vaccination and reinfection ferret model
Cameron MJ, Kelvin AA*, Leon AJ, Cameron CM, Ran L, Xu L, Chu YK, Danesh A, Fang Y, Li Q, Anderson A, Couch RC, Paquette SG, Fomukong NG, Kistner O, Lauchart M, Rowe T, Harrod KS, Jonsson CB, and Kelvin DJ
2012; 7(9):e45842. PMCID:PMC3454321
* Participated in study design and data analysis. Co-wrote the manuscript.
Journal of Virology
Seasonal H1N1 influenza virus infection induces cross-protective pandemic H1N1 virus immunity through a CD8-independent, B cell-dependent mechanism
Fang Y, Banner D, Kelvin AA*, Huang SS, Paige CJ, Corfe SA, Kane KP, Bleackley RC, Rowe T, Leon AJ, and Kelvin DJ
2012 Feb; 86(4):2229-38. PMCID:PMC3302411
* Participated in study design and data analysis. Co-wrote the manuscript.
Journal of Virology
Differential pathological and immune responses in newly weaned ferrets are associated with a mild clinical outcome of pandemic 2009 H1N1 infection
Huang SS, Banner D, Degousee N, Leon AJ, Xu L, Paquette SG, Kanagasabai T, Fang Y, Rubino S, Rubin B, Kelvin DJ and Kelvin AA*
2012 Dec; 86(24):13187-201. PMCID:PMC3503035
* Designed the project and experiments. Supervised study progress. Co-analyzed the data and co-wrote the manuscript.
Journal of Infection in Developing Countries
Influenza monitoring in Sardinia, Italy identifies H3 subtype in Mediterranean wild migratory birds
Kelvin AA*, Meloni D, Sansonetti P, Borghetto I, Rowe T, Santangelo R, Pisu D, Cameron CM, Paglietti B, Banner D, Farooqui A, Marongiu P, Santona A, Fadda G, Kelvin DJ, and Rubino S
2012; 6(11):786-97
* Co-designed the project. Designed the experiments. Supervised study progress. Participated in data generation. Co-analyzed the data and co-wrote the manuscript.
PLoS One
Interleukin-6 is a potential biomarker for severe pandemic H1N1 influenza A infection
Paquette SG, Banner D, Zhao Z, Fang Y, Huang SS, Leomicronn AJ, Ng DC, Almansa R, Martin-Loeches I, Ramirez P, Socias L, Loza A, Blanco J, Sansonetti P, Rello J, Andaluz D, Shum B, Rubino S, de Lejarazu RO, Tran D, Delogu G, Fadda G, Krajden S, Rubin BB, Bermejo-Martin JF, Kelvin AA*, and Kelvin DJ
2012; 7(6):e38214. PMCID:PMC3367995
* Co-designed the project. Designed the experiments. Supervised study progress. Co-analyzed the data and co-wrote the manuscript.
Early gene expression events in ferrets in response to SARS coronavirus infection versus direct interferon-alpha2b stimulation
Danesh A, Cameron CM, Leon AJ, Ran L, Xu L, Fang Y, Kelvin AA*, Rowe T, Chen H, Guan Y, et al
2011 Jan 5; 409(1):102-12
* Participated in study design and data analysis.
Nature Communications
The deubiquitinating enzyme USP17 is essential for GTPase subcellular localization and cell motility
de l, V#, Kelvin AA#, Dunican DJ, McFarlane C, Burrows JF, Jaworski J, Stevenson NJ, Dib K, Rappoport JZ, Scott CJ, et al
2011; 2:259. PMCID:PMC3072070
# Co-first author
* Wrote the manuscript and designed the experiments. Conducted the experiments and analyzed the data.
PLoS One
Comparative analyses of pandemic H1N1 and seasonal H1N1, H3N2, and influenza B infections depict distinct clinical pictures in ferrets
Huang SS, Banner D, Fang Y, Ng DC, Kanagasabai T, Kelvin DJ, and Kelvin AA*
2011; 6(11):e27512. PMCID:PMC3217968
* Co-designed the project. Designed the experiments. Supervised study progress. Co-analyzed the data and co-wrote the manuscript.
Journal of Infection in Developing Countries
Outbreak of Chikungunya in the Republic of Congo and the global picture
Kelvin AA*
2011 Jun; 5(6):441-4
* Designed and wrote the manuscript.
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
Inflammatory cytokine expression is associated with chikungunya virus resolution and symptom severity
Kelvin AA*, Banner D, Silvi G, Moro ML, Spataro N, Gaibani P, Cavrini F, Pierro A, Rossini G, Cameron MJ, Bermejo-Martin JF, Paquette SG, Xu L, Danesh A, Farooqui A, Borghetto I, Kelvin DJ, Sambri V, and Rubino S
2011 Aug; 5(8):e1279. PMCID:PMC3156690
* Co-designed the project. Designed the experiments. Supervised study progress. Participated in data generation. Co-analyzed the data. Wrote the manuscript.
Journal of Infection Developing Countries
Outbreak of cholera in the Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo, and cholera worldwide
Kelvin AA*
2011 Oct; 5(10):688-91
* Designed and wrote the manuscript.
Cancer Research
The deubiquitinating enzyme USP17 is highly expressed in tumor biopsies, is cell cycle regulated, and is required for G1-S progression
McFarlane C, Kelvin AA*, de l, V, Govender U, Scott CJ, Burrows JF, and Johnston JA
2010 Apr 15; 70(8):3329-39
* Designed and conducted key experiments. Analyzed data.
Journal of General Virology
In vivo ribavirin activity against severe pandemic H1N1 Influenza A/Mexico/4108/2009
Rowe T, Banner D, Farooqui A, Ng DC, Kelvin AA*, Rubino S, Huang SS, Fang Y, and Kelvin DJ
2010 Dec; 91(Pt 12):2898-906
* Co-analyzed data. Co-wrote the manuscript.
FEBS Letters
Suppressor of cytokine signalling (SOCS) 1 and 3 enhance cell adhesion and inhibit migration towards the chemokine eotaxin/CCL11
Stevenson NJ, McFarlane C, Ong ST, Nahlik K, Kelvin A*, Addley MR, Long A, Greaves DR, O'Farrelly C, and Johnston JA
2010 Nov 5; 584(21):4469-74
* Designed and conducted key experiments. Analyzed data.
Journal of Biological Chemistry
USP17 regulates Ras activation and cell proliferation by blocking RCE1 activity
Burrows JF, Kelvin AA*, McFarlane C, Burden RE, McGrattan MJ, de l, V, Govender U, Quinn DJ, Dib K, Gadina M, Scott CJ, and Johnston JA
2009 Apr 3; 284(14):9587-95. PMCID:PMC2666611
* Designed and conducted key experiments. Analyzed data. Co-wrote the manuscript.
Molecular Immunology
Cloning, expression and characterization of ferret CXCL10
Danesh A, Seneviratne C, Cameron CM, Banner D, Devries ME, Kelvin AA*, Xu L, Ran L, Bosinger SE, Rowe T, Czub M, Jonsson CB, Cameron MJ, and Kelvin DJ
2008 Mar; 45(5):1288-97
* Participated in data analysis and manuscript writing.
Journal of Immunology
Defining the origins and evolution of the chemokine/chemokine receptor system
Devries ME, Kelvin AA*, Xu L, Ran L, Robinson J, and Kelvin DJ
2006 Jan 1; 176(1):401-15
* Participated in data analysis and manuscript writing.
Seminars in Immunology
The role of chemokines and chemokine receptors in alloantigen-independent and alloantigen-dependent transplantation injury
Devries ME, Hosiawa KA, Cameron CM, Bosinger SE, Persad D, Kelvin AA*, Coombs JC, Wang H, Zhong R, Cameron MJ, and Kelvin DJ
2003 Feb; 15(1):33-48
* Participated in manuscript writing.
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Genomic organization and evolution of the CX3CR1/CCR8 chemokine receptor locus
Devries ME, Cao H, Wang J, Xu L, Kelvin AA*, Ran L, Chau LA, Madrenas J, Hegele RA, and Kelvin DJ
2003 Apr 4; 278(14):11985-94
* Conducted experiments. Participated in data analysis.
Nature Immunology
Regulation of tyrosine kinase activation and granule release through β-arrestin by CXCR1
Barlic J, Andrews JD, Kelvin AA*, Bosinger SE, Devries ME, Xu L, Dobransky T, Feldman RD, Ferguson SS, and Kelvin DJ
2000 Sept; 1(3): 227-233
* Conducted key experiments. Participated in data analysis.
The italicized individuals are those I have directly mentored.